gdxunjia is a bathroom products source source factory from China. 國電迅佳擁有兩個生產車間, 其中之一專門用於生產常規商品. 該車間擁有自動化生產機器,可以更好地批量生產常規商品.
(gdxunjia’s laser cutting machine)
另設有生產車間,有雷射切割機,可協助客戶進行產品定制. 廣東訊佳也有自動包裝機, 保證生產速度快,提前完成包裝出貨.
(the drawings produced by gdxunjia’s laser cutting machine)
gdxunjia can help customers customize products. We have a master who draws product drawings, a laser cutting machine that can produce customized products, and we will conduct mass production upon customer satisfaction, and complete delivery within the agreed date with the customer.
The following is a video of the process of making customized products by gdxunjia:
查看更多不銹鋼地漏, 請點擊此連結:www.gdxunjia.com.